Volume: 7 Issue: 12, 7/30/23

Year: 2023


Economic Sociology, Urban Sociology and Community Studies, Political Sociology

It can be said that Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) has three main purposes as a periodical publication activity. The first of these is to ensure that the problems in all areas of social life, primarily in Turkey, in its immediate surroundings, in the cultural basin, and finally in the whole world, are researched, analysed, discussed and solutions offered from the perspective of social sciences. The second aim is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of scientific publishing in Turkey. Finally, the third and final aim is to become a world-class platform where quality studies can be published in Turkey, its immediate surroundings and around the world.

Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) is an International Refereed Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, published twice a year. The first language of the journal is Turkish, and it can also include articles in English and Russian languages. Considering the high rate of downloading, reading, citation and impact factor of foreign language publications, this issue can be very encouraging for authors. As a matter of fact, Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) encourages authors on this subject and aims to have at least one third of the published issues consist of articles in a foreign language.
The scope of the Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) is Social Sciences in general and Sociology in particular. Another meaning of this expression is that Journal of Imagination (İmgelem) tries to look at every field and every subject of Social Sciences from a sociological perspective. Beyond this effort, Journal of Imagination (İmgelem) accepts articles from all fields of Social and Human Sciences.

The Journal of Imagination (İmgelem) is an open-access journal published online twice a year. In principle, it accepts work from all fields of Social Sciences. A manuscript is sent to two referees in the field, if both of the reports are negative, it gets rejected. If one is positive and the other is negative, it is sent to a third referee before the final decision is made. It is aimed to publish a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 articles in each issue of the Journal of Imagination (İmgelem). In principle, a maximum of two special issues can be published per year.
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Imagination (İmgelem) must not have been published previously anywhere else or sent to another journal for publication, must comply with the academic standards and must be original. If the work submitted for publication is a paper that has been presented in a scientific meeting but has not been published yet, this should be stated in the article and the journal editor should be informed beforehand.
Abstract should be prepared using Times New Roman font, 10 font size, single line spacing. The abstract should not be cited and should be a single paragraph. Abstract should be at least 100 words and at most 250 words. For authors whose native language is not Turkish, Turkish titles, abstracts and keywords are not required for articles in English. In Turkish and English articles, just below the "Abstract" section, at least 3 "Keywords" should be given with each word starting with a capital letter.
In order to gain the articles published in the Journal of Imagination (İmgelem) a wider chance of citation, to make them available to a wider readership and to increase the citation effect, they should include an extended English summary of at least 1000 words, corresponding to 10% of Turkish articles. This text should be placed under "ABSTRACT" and above "INTRODUCTION" in Times New Roman font and 12 points. In the same way, this text should include the findings of the research and finally the most remarkable interpretation of these findings, after briefly mentioning the study's question, if any, its hypothesis, purpose, scope, research method and data collection technique in order to make it easier for researchers to cite.
Extended abstracts are not required for articles in English.
Manuscripts to be sent to the journal should be typed in Time News Roman, 12 pt. From the line spacing options, before and after the paragraph spacing should be set to 6 pt and 1.5 line spacing should be selected. Also, the first line of each paragraph should have an indent of 1.25. The edges should be 2.5 cm from all sides, that is, the page structure should be set to Normal automatically. English and Turkish abstract titles should be centred. Submitted articles must comply with the citation and bibliography system specified in the journal writing guide. Article texts should not exceed 14 thousand words, including bibliography and other appendices.
On the other hand, if a paragraph (block) is cited in the text, it should be written in 11 font size, 1.15 line spacing, justified and indented 1.25 from both the right and left. Quotation marks should be used at the beginning and end of block quotes. In this way, it will be ensured that the quotation and the text are easily distinguished. The manuscripts should be upload to the system without page numbers. 
In Turkish articles, the title of the article should not exceed 16 words and should be written in all CAPITAL letters in black (bold) and 14 points and centred. The English title, on the other hand, should be written in LARGE, but in 10 pt, black (bold) and centred. Except for INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION and REFERENCES, only the first letter of all words of the subheadings should be written in capital letters, the rest should be written in lowercase, and all should be written in 12 points and black (bold). In addition, no heading should be numbered using numbers, except in cases where information is provided. Turkish abstract, title and keywords are not mandatory for English articles. It is recommended that authors whose native language is Turkish do this.
Author information (to be added after the corrections during the refereeing process) should be written in capital letters just below the title, surname should be written in capital letters, address, contact, job and orcid information should be given in a footnote with an asterisk.

Since the files uploaded to the system for the Journal of Imagination (İmgelem) will be sent to the referee without any intervention, care should be taken not to include the author's name, surname and any notes/footnotes that may disclose the author(s). Since the author information cannot be accessed in the full-text file of the article, it is important that the author fills out the Cover Page Form containing the identity information and uploads it to the system.

In order to ensure the academic integrity and originality of submissions to the Journal of İmgelem, it is required that all articles undergo a thorough similarity check before being uploaded to the system. This process involves scanning the articles using a similarity program such as Turnitin or Ithenticate and uploading the resulting similarity report alongside the article. Except for the bibliography, the application of the texts with more than 25% similarity will not be accepted.

If the research includes questionnaires and/or interviews, it is important that Ethics Committee Permits have been obtained from the provincial institution(s) or university and that they comply with the relevant universal acquis. If the Ethics Committee Permission has been obtained, it should be stated with a footnote, preferably at the bottom of the first page of the article, including information such as from which committee, when it was taken, and with what number of decisions it was taken.
The situations that require the permission of the Ethics Committee for Social Sciences have been specified by ULAKBİM as follows:
a) All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment and interview techniques,
b) Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law.

In the article evaluation process, a double-blind peer-review system is applied. In case of disagreement amongst the referees, the article is sent to a third referee. Referees have 4 options in the article evaluation process:
1) Acceptance (can be published in its current form)
2) Correction (can be published after corrections without the need to send it back to the referee)
3) Correction and Resubmission (re-sent to the referee after corrections)
4) Rejection (unpublished)
If only one of the referees who gave an opinion rejects it, the article is sent to a third referee. As a result of the evaluation of the third referee, the field editor/editor decides whether the article will be published or not. If both referees reject it, the article will not be published.
However, if the works are out of scope or below the publication standard, they may be rejected directly as a result of the editor's/field editor's preliminary review.
The average preparation time for publication is 2 months from the time the studies come in. Depending on the situation, this period may be extended up to six months.
As of December 2022 (including this issue), the Journal of Imagination (İmgelem) will charge the authors 300 TL for each article for reviewing and typesetting.

In the in-text citation style, the use of footnotes and endnotes is not preferred. Therefore, as few footnotes as possible should be used. When only a very essential explanatory note is required, footnotes with a star or number can be used in 10-point font size, Times New Roman font.
Important note: In-text citation method recommends using “&” instead of “and” in citation and bibliography. However, since the symbol "&" is not used in place of "and" in Turkish, the symbol "&" should not be used when citing texts written in Turkish and when writing the bibliography. Also, when citing texts with more than three authors, the in-text citation method “et al.", as in (Kernis et al. 1993), is recommended to be used. However, if the work sent to the Journal of Imagination (İmgelem) for evaluation is prepared in English, “&” symbol instead of “and”, “et al.” instead of “vd.” expression should be used in accordance with the in-text citation method in these texts and bibliography.


Paragraph spacing should be 6 pt before and after with regard to the line spacing options for the references and the “single” line spacing should be selected. Moreover, the references should be written with a “hanging/1.25 cm” indent. For articles in English, the expression “References” should be preferred rather than “Bibliography”.

Note: Do not include url links containing the "https://doi.org/" prefix and doi number when giving citation information in the bibliography.

Citation Example: (Alptekin 2013).
With Page Number: (Alptekin 2013: 85).
Citation Example from a Secondary Source: (cited in Alptekin 2013: Karyelioğlu 2016: 20).
Referring a Book with a Single Author:
Aydin, M. (2017). Sociology of Change, İstanbul: Açılım Publishing.
Referring a Book with Two Authors:
Alptekin, M. Y., Karyelioğlu, S. (2016). Contracting in Trabzon with Social and Economic Aspects, Trabzon: Karadeniz Technical University Publications.
Referring the same book: (Alptekin and Karyelioğlu 2016: 139).
Referring a Book with Three Authors:
Alptekin, M. Y., Karyelioğlu, S. and Fidan, S. (2019). Patriotism in Theory and Practice with Its Local and National Dimensions: Trabzon Centered Eastern Black Sea Research, Ankara: Gece Academy.
Referring the same book: (Alptekin et al. 2019: 52).
Referring a Book with more than Three Authors:
Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç-Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E. et al. (2017). Scientific Research Methods, Ankara: Pegem Publishing.
Referring the same book: (Büyüköztürk et al. 2017: 13).
Referring a Book that has been translated:
Giddens, A. (2012). Sociology, C. Güzel (Trans.), İstanbul: Kırmızı Publishing.
Referring a Journal Article with a Single Author:
Alptekin, M. Y. (2013). Geographic Approach in Sociology and Ecological Interpretation of Social Character in Trabzon, Journal of Black Sea Studies, (15), 77-98.
Note: In case of the increase in the number of the authors, the rules used for a book are applied.
Referring an Article with a Known Author on Internet:
Gallagher, J. (2020, April 2). Coronavirus: What are the Effects of Covid-19 on the Human Body?, https://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler-dunya-51910851 (Access: 17.12.2021).
Referring the same article: (Gallagher 2020).
Referring an Article with an Unknown Author on Internet:
URL-1: “Corona virus does not infect Turks”. (2020, 5 March).
https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/oytun-erbas-corona-virus-turklere-bulasmiyor-270766h.htm (Access: 17.12.2021).
In-text citation to the same source: (URL-1).
Note: For a page on an organization’s website that does not have individual authors, the name of the organization is used as the author.
Example: Ministry of Interior. (2020, 1 December). Within the Scope of Combating Coronavirus - New Restrictions and Measures Circulars.
https://www.icisleri.gov.tr/koronavirus-ile-mucadelekapsaminda-sokaga-cikma-kisitlamalari---yeni-kisitlama-ve-tedbirler-genelgeleri (Access: 17.12.2021).
Citation to the same website: (Ministry of the Interior 2020).
Referring Press News and Texts with Unknown Authors:
Diyanet Newspaper, "Love of the Fatherland is from Faith: Those Who Fight in Çanakkale Fulfilled the Command of the Qur'an", 30 August 1971.
In-text citation to the same source: (Love for the Homeland is from Faith 1971).
Referring Press News and Texts with Known Authors:
Azokur, M. (30 August 1971). “Patriotism is from Faith: Those Fighting in Çanakkale Fulfilled the Command of the Qur'an”, Diyanet Newspaper.
In-text citation to the same source: (Azokur 1971).
Referring a Compiled Book:
Usta, V. (Ed.), Şalpazarı history-culture-human, Trabzon: Serander Publishing.
Referring a Chapter in a Compiled Book:
Alptekin, M. Y. (2017). Ethno-Demography of Şalpazarı from 1835 to the Present, Usta, V. (Ed.), Şalpazarı in history-culture-human (139-226), Trabzon: Serander Publishing.
Referring the same chapter: (Alptekin 2017: 216).
Referring an Edited Book:
Alptekin, M. Y (Ed.) (2020). Society and Culture in the Eastern Black Sea Region I, Trabzon: Serander Publishing.
Referring a Chapter in an Edited Book:
Köksal, S. (2020). Southern Turkmens in Trabzon, M. Y. Alptekin (Ed.), in Society and Culture in the Eastern Black Sea Region I (9-24), Trabzon: Serander Publishing.
Referring the same chapter: (Köksal 2020: 9).
Referring a Thesis:
Alptekin, M. Y. (2000). Turkish Interpretation of Islam (Turkish Islam), Unpublished Master's Thesis, Istanbul University- Institute of Social Sciences.
Referring the same thesis: (Alptekin 2000).
Referring an Encyclopaedia:
Köprülü, M. F. (1972). Ahmed Yesevi, Encyclopedia of Islam (Vol.1, 750-788), Ankara: Ministry of National Education.
Referring the same encyclopaedia article: (Köprülü 1972: 780).
Referring a Conference (Congress or Symposium) Paper:
Alptekin, M. Y. (2017). Conservative Tourism: Tourism Activities and Social Interaction in Trabzon/Uzungol (120-150), Proceedings of Euroasian Conference on Language & Social Science, Antalya: www.eclss.org
Referring the same paper: (Alptekin 2017: 145).
Referring Parliamentary Minutes:
Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM), Minutes Registry, D. 8, C. 13, 4th Session, 10 November 1948.
Referring the same Minutes: (Parliament ZC 1948, 10 November)

Twitter Profile Bibliography Example:

Koca, F. [@drfahrettinkoca]. (n.d.). Tweets [Twitter profile]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/drfahrettinkoca (Access: 25.03.2022).
In-text Citation to Same Source: (Koca n.d.)

Twitter Tweet Bibliography Example:
Koca, F. [@drfahrettinkoca]. (2022, 25 March). COVID-19 IS IN FALL! The number of cases today is 15,303, the number of deaths is 68. It is getting easier to overcome the epidemic. [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/drfahrettinkoca/status/1507413709093683200?cxt=HHwWgICqwYSytOspAAAA (Access: 25.03.2022).
In-text Citation to Same Source: (Koca 2022)

The publication process of Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) is predicated on the objective production, development and sharing of knowledge through the scientific methods. Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) promises to adhere to academic principles and prevent false practices in conformity with academic and ethical standards. In order to maintain the ethical standards for submitted articles, the international standards of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) are taken into account.
The submitting of an article for publication in Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) through DergiPark article is accepted as an application for publication.
Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) has the right to edit, publish or not publish the submitted articles.
Regarding the articles submitted to Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) for publishing, the initial editorial evaluation is made within the first 30 days. Following the editorial review, if necessary, the author is given 15 days to make the required corrections. The referee review process starts for the articles that successfully passed from the initial editorial review. In the referee review process, each referee is given 5 days for accepting the invitation online, and 30 days for the review. Any of the referee’s request to have extra time based on an excuse is taken into consideration. Concerning the articles that successfully gone through the referee review process, the author is given 20 days at most to complete the improvement requested by the referees. The article is sent to the referee who wishes to review it, and the referee is given 20 days for this purpose. After the last review is made by the referees, the final form of the article is put into editorial reading to be completed in 20 days. Possible requests for the extra time coming from the author or the referees are taken into consideration.
Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) Editorial Board, Chief Editor, Field Editors and Vice Editors are responsible for all the processes before, during and after the publication of each and every article submitted to Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM).
The Editorial Board determines and implements the entire policies of Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM), including but not limited to publication, blind review, assessment process, and ethical principles.
The initiation of the blind review process for an article does not indicate a publication promise on behalf of Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM). Likewise, the positive outcome of the review process still necessitates the affirmative decision of The Editorial Board and Chief Editor / Vice-Editors and Field Editors for the publication of the article.
The Editorial Board encourages academic honesty. The Editorial Board ensures the originality of the articles by uploading them on iThenticate plagiarism detection software, and evaluating their originality report.
The Editorial Board always examines the claims of plagiarism and abuse in regard to published articles. In case it is established that an author committed plagiarism, or used copyrighted material that belongs to third parties without proper and full reference and permission, The Editorial Board reserves the rights, including but not limited, to retract the article, inform the author’s head of department, dean of faculty and/or other academic institutions.
Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) Chief Editor / Vice-Editors and Field Editors are responsible for taking measures related to intellectual property rights, unethical and non-academic behaviours and plagiarism during the publication of articles and journals.
Chief Editor / Vice-Editors and Field Editors, when making positive or negative decisions about the articles, take into consideration the originality of the articles, their contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the narration, and the purpose and scope of Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM).
Chief Editor / Vice-Editors and Field Editors implement the blind peer review and evaluation processes that are among the publication policies of Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM), keep the identities of the referees and authors confidential, and ensure that each article is evaluated objectively and in due time. Editors may correct errors, inconsistencies, or misleading in the articles.
Chief Editor / Vice-Editors and Field Editors ensure the protection of personal data within Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM)'s publication and ethical principles.
Chief Editor / Vice-Editors and Field Editors pay attention to the protection of human and animal rights in articles, attach importance to documenting the explicit consent of the participants of the research used in the article. Chief Editor / Vice-Editors and Field Editors rejects experimental research articles and articles that contain surveys without proper ethics committee approval.
The opinion of the referees shall be given priority in the decision of the JOSOC Editorial Board concerning whether the submitted article will be published or not.
The referees should evaluate the work fairly and objectively following the double-blind peer-review procedure.
Referees must respect the principle of confidentiality. They are obliged not to use the information obtained from the peer review process for their personal benefit. They should not share their reports or any information in relation to the article.
Referee assessments should be objective and constructive. The academic competence of the article should be taken as a fundamental criterion of assessment. Criticisms on the personalities of the authors are not considered appropriate. Referees should provide explanations and arguments via reports that are provided by the Chief Editor / Vice-Editors and Field Editors do not take into account biased and personalized evaluations or unjustified approvals and refusals, and appoint a new referee for such articles.
The referees should not accept articles that may result in personal or institutional conflicts of interest.
Referees, in case of detection, should notify Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) editorship of any actual or possible plagiarism, multicasting or simultaneous application.
The referees should conduct the evaluation in neutrality and confidentiality. Due to this principle, they should destroy the articles they have reviewed after the evaluation process. Nationality, gender, religious belief, political view and commercial concerns should not disrupt the academic neutrality of the assessment.
Referees should complete evaluations of the articles within due course. In order to improve the academic quality of the article, the referees' suggestions for revisions are delivered to the authors and, if requested by the referees, the corrections made by the authors are sent to the referees.
The studies submitted to JOSOC should not contain plagiarism and should be original. The responsibility lies within the authors in regard to this matter.
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Due to Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) uses DergiPark’s system, all authors of the articles must have a DergiPark account and when submitting an article via DergiPark all authors must be included. Applications that do not comply with this rule will not be considered.
Due to the publication policy and rules of our journal, different articles by the same author(s) cannot be published in the same issue or in two consecutive issues.
The author reserves the right to withdraw his/her article provided that the author notifies the withdrawal to the editorial board until the publication decision is taken.
Authors should not use discriminatory language based on gender, race, language, belief, culture, class, age, opinion, rank and sexual orientation.
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The name of the persons who do not contribute to the article should not be written as an author. Changing the order of authors’ names, removing and adding authors’ names should not be proposed for an article submitted for publication.
Authors should state if an old version of the article is published in another medium. If the study is compiled from a dissertation/thesis (even if it is unpublished) or an unpublished scientific meeting presentation, this should be indicated on the first page as a footnote.
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If any information or data is requested from the authors during the evaluation process, they should submit the expected information to the editorship.
Authors are responsible for fulfilling the revision suggestions of the Chief Editor / Vice-Editors, Field Editors and the referees. The author has the right to inform the editorship with justification, he/she does not agree with the suggestions of the Chief Editor / Vice-Editors, Field Editors and referees.
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When an author discovers a serious error or inaccuracy in a published article, it is the responsibility of the author to immediately notify the editorship. In this case, the author is responsible for cooperating with Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) editorship in either withdrawing the article or publishing a revision of the article.
For all researches conducted and for clinical and experimental studies involving humans and animals, which require ethics committee approval, an ethics committee approval must be obtained and should be specified and documented.
If a violation of ethical principles in the evaluation process, preliminary assessment or a published article in Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM) concerning Editors, Referees or Authors, is observed, please report to Journal of Imagination (İmgelem) administration by imgelemdergisi@gmail.com  

International Authors do not required to pay publication fee for their studies published in Journal of IMAGINATION (İMGELEM).